Saturday, November 3, 2012

NaNoLog, Day Three

Whew! I just reached the 5,031 point and am at 5,066 words currently. Since I don't want to go through my plot all too soon, I'll talk about what happened recently in my own life:

Today's kudos go out to an inspirational woodworker who has earned a name in my school's woodshop. His name is Matthias Wandel, a Canadian man who made his basement into a wonderful haven for his homemade machines and a great base for his videos, which I watch daily. I shot an e-mail to Matthias, and he replied quite kindly and I was proud to share my treasure with my tech ed. class the following day.

One more reason to clamp your work: Matthias does it like a boss.

While I feel guilty for these short posts, I really need to get some sleep, or else there might not be a post tomorrow. Have a good one, everybody!


The next Grand Slam terrain should be awesomesauce, just so I can add a dash of it to my topspin.


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