Sunday, November 18, 2012

Good Morning, Day 18!

Thank goodness I'm caught up on my wordcount. I'm going to a write-in this afternoon, so I'm kicking back just a little this morning to work on my fanfiction trilogy and get some fanfic-editing done as well.
To my non-Travelite reader, my roots of writing started with roleplaying, Harry Potter roleplaying to be exact. I was Deidre Triston, and was a death eater on the roleplays. After that, I went to HP fanfiction on Wattpad, then I slowly gravitated back towards gaming, back towards Wizard101 and what was soon to be Pirate101 as well. My fanfiction attempts have been a mix of wins, losses, and mayhem among collaborators, but all in good fun, no? (Okay, that last catastrophe nearly did me in.)
This latest project is my prize jewel of my collection, mainly because it got uploaded to a very popular site in a nice section of its own - Pirate101 fanfiction!

Now, before you glare at me like that (as so many people have), maybe I should tell you that I got the entirety of this short story done in less than a week - Three to five days of slow and steady writing, then one day of "Ohmigosh, I have to get this finished tonight!" writing. Read more here! I queried it to the community manager of the game, and he responded  after ten days, if I recall, with a few ideas to make the story more versatile and appropriate for the approximated age group. The next few days were spent with my good old blood mop and a pair of gloves in the scenes. I think I even wrote a scene for my own amusement about the author sweeping things up right before a character entered. I'd better edit that out before I accidentally submit it.

This is my second trilogy. My first trilogy never got past halfway through the second before catastrophe struck and I had to choose between my sanity and the trilogy. The first section is about half the size of the old one as a price, but I consider it better written indeed.

Well, that's my bio. Where did YOUR writing roots come from?


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